Stories Tagged: global governance

China's Rise as a Global Power and its Implications for Global Security

China's rise as a global power challenges long-standing alliances and traditions. Its rapid... (9 revisions)

The BRICS Expansion: Seeking a Clear Purpose

The expansion of the BRICS coalition has raised questions about the group's purpose and... (1 revisions)

The Myth of Washington's Rules-Based World Order and the Power of International Norms

The concept of a 'rules-based' world order promoted by the United States is a myth, as... (2 revisions)

G20 Presidencies of Key Emerging Economies Empower the Global South in a Shifting World Order

Brazil began presiding over the G20 in December 2023, with a one-year presidency that will... (8 revisions)

CFR Launches Ambitious New China Strategy Initiative

Chinese President Xi Jinping recently presided over the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference... (21 revisions)